Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hazardous Volcano: Haleakala (East Maui)

East Maui's long eruptive history and recent activity indicate that the volcano will erupt in the future. The oldest lava flow exposed on East Maui is about 1.1 million years in age. It is part of a sequence of flows emplaced near the end of shield building on East Maui. The time estimated to build a volcano from ocean floor to the end of its shield-building stage is thought by some scientists to be about 0.6 million years. East Maui volcano probably began its growth about 2.0 million years ago. East Maui, or Haleakala, is considered a hazardous volcano as a volcanic line of vents is the zone of greatest hazard for future lava flows and cindery ash. Many people believe that this volcano is definitely going to erupt again soon.

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